privacy policy
SO4YOU Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes that protecting personal information is the foundation of our business activities and also our social responsibility.
We handle a wide variety of information, including information about our products and services, as well as personal information provided by customers.
With regard to the protection of personal information, our company will endeavor to establish related regulations and a management system, as well as to stipulate the following personal information protection policy, thoroughly inform all of our directors and employees, and use, manage, and protect personal information appropriately in accordance with this policy.
- Regarding the collection, use and provision of personal information
In carrying out our business activities, we understand that our customers provide us with important information. Therefore, we have established an information management system to protect personal information according to the actual circumstances of each business, and will handle the collection, use, and provision of personal information appropriately in accordance with the prescribed regulations.
- Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information.
- Safety Measures
In order to protect personal information, we will take measures such as managing the personal information, specifying how to take the personal information out of the company, and preventing unauthorized access from third parties in accordance with our information security regulations, and will endeavor to prevent the leakage, loss, falsification, destruction, etc. of personal information.
- Regarding your request
If we receive any request from an individual regarding the disclosure, correction, deletion, use or provision of their personal information, we will respond in good faith.
- Personal Information Management Regulations
We will promote understanding among our executives and employees of the importance and necessity of protecting personal information, and in order to ensure the appropriate management of personal information, we will establish and comply with personal information management regulations.
Date of enactment: January 2024
Representative Director Su Hui
Handling of Personal Information
We will use personal information that you provide (or that has been provided to us) in connection with our business activities only for the following purposes.
1. Personal Information of Customers
To provide information about our products and services
To respond to inquiries regarding our products and services, etc.
To carry out business transactions such as after-sales service regarding our products and service information, etc.
To verify your identity for the purpose of selling or providing our products and services
To conduct questionnaire surveys and monitor surveys regarding our products and service information, etc.
For marketing activities regarding our products and service information, etc.
When necessary to provide other information about our services, etc.
2. Personal information of shareholders and investors
To exercise rights and fulfill obligations under laws and regulations
To manage shareholders in accordance with laws and regulations
To provide information and conduct research on IR activities to shareholders and investors
3. Personal information of business partners
For business-related communications and negotiations, etc.
For information management and accounting
4. Personal information of job applicants
To contact, provide information and conduct research regarding recruitment activities
5. Personal information used in public relations activities
To provide information as part of public relations activities
6. Personal information regarding environmental conservation activities
To provide information and conduct questionnaire surveys regarding CSR and environmental conservation activities
<Contact Information>
Requests for disclosure of personal information currently held by our company and questions regarding our handling of personal information can be made through the following procedure.
Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests that do not follow this procedure.
1. Procedures for disclosure of personal information
Please send it by mail to the address below.
We will confirm that you are the person in question or your representative, and once confirmation is received, we will send you a written request or respond in a manner agreed upon by both you and us.
Please note that postage costs will be borne by the individual, and that it may take some time for us to respond.
2. Delivery address
Miyamasuzaka Building 609, 2-19-15 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
SO4YOU Co., Ltd. Contact: Su Hui